Borås Art Museum
National and international exhibitions focusing on contemporary art and moving images.
Borås Konstmuseum is known for its national and international exhibitions and profiles itself in the fields of contemporary art and moving images. The museum owns and manages a large art collection that includes works from the early 20th century to contemporary art.
The museum consists of three floors divided into several exhibition areas. Here you can take part in current contemporary art, immerse yourself in Lars Tunbjörk's solid photographic heritage, which has its own project room at the museum, and try your hand at your own creation in the museum's studio.

Book a guided tour
Borås Kontsmuseum offers tours of the museum's exhibitions and of the city's public art. The tours take about 45-60 minutes, maximum group size is 30 people. Contact the museum for bookings and enquiries at 033-35 76 69 or bokningar.konstmuseum@boras.se
Borås Art Museum is also responsible for the city's public art and has organised the Borås International Sculpture Biennal between 2008-2018. From 2021 onwards, the biennal has been further developed to include several forms of artistic expression and at the same time changed its name to Borås Art Biennal.
Through its long-standing commitment to film and video art, Borås Art Museum has been commissioned by the Västra Götaland region to collect, nurture and display moving images. The museum manages this mission by showing video art at the museum and by taking an active part in the development and possibilities of the moving image in the museum field.
final destination: the city